Sunday, December 28, 2008

Arden Chandler and Happy mom

Here is the new baby born at 05:37 hrs 12/28/2008, that's right I get that tax deduction. Yeah! Weighing in at 6lbs. 13 oz.., with 18" in length. If our goal was to have the baby at the hospital its a good thing we did not wait too long. We arrived at the hospital at 05:15 hrs this morning, a whole 20 minutes to spare! Deb's woke up in 'labor' at 03:55 hrs so we know we did not want to wait too long. Of course she has had contractions for about the last month, so she's been prepping for a while now. Anyway more to come...


Katie said...

Congratulations! Beautiful baby girl- Can't wait to see you guys in the New Year. Love to you all-

Hannah said...

She is sooo cute! Cant wait to see her in person! Love Hannah