Well, once again it has been a long time since the last post. Time has flown by so quickly and we have been busy. We have several projects going on right now. The Chicken shack is progressing slowly but surely and we have planted our apple trees, grape vines, blueberries, and raspberries. Soon we will be planting our summer garden, which, is my favorite! Can wait till we have some fresh tomatoes. Below you will see pictures of what the boys managed to do in 10 minutes of no supervision. Gotta love it! Seth said they were playing cops and were dusting for fingerprints! As if their general mess wasn't enough to clean up.
I couldn't resist posting this picture of Aubrey. For some reason, my children think they need to be devoid of all clothing in order to play in the mud. Aubrey, it appears, decided to enjoy the sun as well as the mud.
I cannpt tell you how hard I laughed!!!! Im sorry you had to clean up the mess, but that is priceless!!!!!!!!LOL!!
Miss you lady!!!
THat is unbelievable!!!!
Danny said, "well, you only get to be a kid once!"
Love it! They are so cute!!
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