We really enjoyed having our good friend Deanna in town from Nepal! She brought the cute outfit for Nadya that she is wearing in the pictures! We miss you Deanna!!
We have done some serious tree cutting. Seth cut down seven trees that were next to the house. They were gumball trees for which there is no good use around our house, so down they came. I even learned how to drive the tractor and help him pull them away from the house. I enjoyed that! I know the boys don't seem very excited to be on the tractor in this picture, but they were, they were just tired and being contrary for the picture. With their Daddy is their FAVORITE place to be and I'm happy with that 100%!!
Well, I had my ear operated on last Tues. and I think I can finally say I have rounded the corner on recovery. I would post pictures, but I'm just not sure that is necessary, but they basically cut the entire length of the back of my ear where it is connected to my head and patched my ear drum. It is feeling more normal today when I touch it, so I am thrilled about that. I will go to the doctor Thurs. to check and see how things are doing internally. I am praying great, because that is something I don't want to have to repeat!!! Oh, and as for the blog title, well that is referring to me. I have a sponge and a cottonball in my ear, not to mention it isn't working right yet anyway, so as you can imagine, I have repeated that many times in the last week! I guess it is ok when it comes to hearing screaming kids though, right??!! Hope you all are having a fantastic spring!!