We hope everyone had a really great time over the holidays! I know we did. It was a little hectic but not too bad. I find it hard to believe that we are already into the 2nd week in January. Below is a picture of the bonfire we had for New Years. It was a lot of fun to watch. We had a good time visiting with friends and shooting the cannon! The next day the kids and I went with some family to Atlanta to visit with my Aunt. We had a good time, but it was good to get back home!! We visited the Georgia Aquarium while we were there and had a great time. I will post pictures of it soon.
Well as you can tell in the picture below, strange things happen when toddlers are allowed to dress themselves. Sean has been forbidden from going upstairs and finding his own attire. I would go up there after he "dressed" himself and find clothes strewn about the room. It looked like a pack of teenage girls had been up there. As for what he is wearing: a 12-18 month shirt, a pair of his jeans, spurs around his knees and of course no outfit would be complete without his cowboy boots, hat and belt! Gotta love it!

We send many wishes out for a wonderful year. I personally am liking the way 2008 rhymes with things like, hope 2008 is great, but I am just corny like that sometimes! I'll update with more pictures soon....