A picture of my niece, Cori; she is a month younger than Nadya.
Well, we have our Christmas tree up! The boys are so excited! I had a time convincing Seth to get one, but even he admitted that hearing Aubrey say Christmas tree is worth every penny we paid for it! The first thing the boys want to do in the morning is turn on the lights! I have to get it on video!
Our chickens are getting settled and their egg production has increased. We picked a dozen the other day but most days it is around 10. Seth is happy because they are finally starting to lay in the boxes we put for them instead of on the bottom of the cage! We try to let them out every evening so they can scratch in the grass because the pen they are in is very small. I think it was Monday afternoon I was outside holding Nadya in one arm and an egg in the other hand watching the chickens and the rooster decided that I was all of a sudden a threat so he started to try and spur me. I wish I had a video of it, because I am sure it was a hilarious sight to see me doing this "dance" with this rooster. He would squat down and jump up to spur me at which time I would kick at him with my foot and jump back. I only had crocs on so it wasn't very convincing apparently becuase he wouldn't stop doing it! I was afraid poor Nadya was going to get whiplash from all this. Well, after a couple minutes of this I got tired of it and found a stick. Lets just say the rooster got the message!! He hasn't bothered me since. Maybe the stick in my hand is a clue to him!! The funniest part of it all was when he decided it wasn't worth trying to spur me, he ran back to the cage clucking like he never has before. I thought for a minute I had maybe hit him a little to hard, but as soon as I got back to the house he started crowing again. Guess it was just his white flag of surrender!
Well as for the title of this post: my two front teeth! Nah, I already have those thank God! But for the first time in my life I actually heard the entire song on the radio. Did you know the only reason he wanted his two front teeth is so that he could whistle??? I would have said something like, so I could eat!! (much more important than whistling!) Anyway, I digress, all we want for Christmas is Webby to come home and some cooler weather because the broccoli is starting to flower when the heads are only like 3 inches in diameter since the weather is so warm! The bees are enjoying it!!
Below is one of the pictures I took trying to get one for a Christmas card. Don't let the busyness of this time of year get in the way of enjoying the wonder and joy that we as believers should have when celebrating our Saviour's birth!