Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All chicks go to Heaven...

A sad thing happened last night. One of our Silver Laced Wyndottes died peacefully in its sleep after a brief illness. Viewing of the body was at 9:20 to 9:20:30 this morning. After a brief ceremony a short memorial walk to the garbage can was made where its remains were placed. May it rest in peace. He is survived by 7 sisters and 1 brother and 17 cousins. In lue of donations please refrain from eating chicken for 24 hours. He lived a short but good life...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sean's Birthday Party

Ok, so I have been wanting to post this for over a week now, just never got around to it. We had a great time at Sean's party. We also had a great turnout. Around 60 folks were here including the children. They enjoy playing outside and getting to see Hoover. The cake came out good and we only had a small chunk left which we promptly sent next door. I personally abhorred the word cake after making it!! All I have to say is I am extremely glad the kids only have one Birthday each a year and right now they are spaced rather nicely! Enjoy the pictures...

Sean's Birthday Cake
The Birthday Boy
Sean and Grammy on Hoover
Cowboy Sean

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Here are a few recent pictures of the kids...

Look at the rolls she is getting on her!
The boys playing in the garden before I planted
This is one of Seth's favorites