I finally got around to posting a few pictures. I have taken these in the last 2 weeks, so they are fairly recent. The kids are growing so much.

Aubrey is doing well. Tomorrow we go to get his cast taken off. I don't' know who is more excited, him or me.

Sean can ride a two wheel bike now, something he is very proud of! He is getting so big, its hard to believe he was a baby just a few years ago.

Arden is growing and changing every day. She will be five months on the 28. She is the sweetest baby ever. She is always smiling and cooing at anyone who will take the time to look at her!

I was taking pictures of the kids and this is the face Nadya finally made, I think she was more interested in the kittens, than taking pictures! This is such a classic picture.
Well, hopefull I'll be able to post some more pics soon!